
Jeff Christianson

My life and the ministry God entrusted to me is dedicated to the glory and the use of our Wonderful Counselor, the Lord Jesus Christ, with abundant thanks to Him for my wife, Jennie, who for over 22 years has been the primary instrument of His counsel in my life.

Also, special gratitude is offered to the Lord for my spiritual father, Pastor Bob Hoekstra of the Living in Christ Ministries, who encouraged me greatly in the the ministry. He mentored me until he went home to be with the Lord in October 2013.

My approach in ministry is that of a pastor, not of a researcher. My primary desire is to explore the word of God on these great matters of counseling, discipling, and personal ministry. I invite you to connect with me online or in person at our next event to fellowship.

I am a grateful husband; applauding dad of four; indebted worshiper; online course creator; and the blessed pastor of the remarkable folks at Calvary Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  

Some ministry highlights:

May the Lord Jesus use this website and the International Association of Biblical Counselors to enlarge our vision of Him as our Wonderful Counselor.

In His love and grace, 
Pastor Jeff Christianson
(828) 707-9034

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