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dr. howard eyrich iabc Jun 18, 2024

Some Ugly Facts

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the
country. This mental illness also impacts children — approximately 7.1% of children ages 3 to 17 have
been diagnosed with anxiety.

Depression is another one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the U.S. Approximately 17.3
million adults in the United States suffer from major depressive disorder, while about 1.9 million
children struggle with diagnosed depression.

These too often travel in tandem. They tend to precipitate one another. Some significant
disappointments (sometimes something that seems minor to the next person may be significant to
another. The inability to master anxiety may be the disappointment that triggers depression. In like
manner, the disappointment of depression and the inability to master it can precipitate anxiety. Of
course, there are physical maladies that may trigger either depression or anxiety. Yet, it the vast
majority of either, there are spiritual dynamics that the biblical counselor can address with their unique


Unfortunately, even biblical counselors sometimes find themselves with disappointments or
challenges that initiate one of these nasty conditions. For example, I recently had a
conversation with a biblical counselor who was extremely disappointed with an organization
with whom associated. He was also anxious that the inefficiency would cause a discontinuance
of his benefits supplied by the organization.

A recent counselee was overcome with anxiety because her estranged, drug-using husband
wanted to take their children on a summer trip.


In both cases, these individuals were beginning to experience discouragement. They were
dwelling on their disappointments and losing control and joy.


Both were quickly overcome with hopelessness, a form of disillusionment. The biblical
counselor questions the leadership’s capacity to run an organization where he has so heavily
invested himself. The Mom was rapidly spiraling and bemoaning the idea of losing control of
her children’s welfare.


Rather than getting a grip on their thinking, they were beginning to be gripped, resulting in
depression. They need to listen to Prov. 13:17-18 Irresponsible talk makes a real mess of things,
but a reliable reporter is a healing presence. 18 Refuse discipline and become homeless;
embrace correction and live an honored life.


Demoralization was at hand for both. Proverbs 13:21 tells us, “Disaster [whether real or self-
perceived) entraps sinners, but God-loyal people get a good life.” Both perceived disastrous
outcomes. Both were behaving like sinners and missing the hope of being believers and living
by faith that either the situation would be corrected by God, or they would be enabled to see
them through to “a good life.”


Death does not always mean the cessation of life. It can also mean the cessation of a
relationship, association, or stable life. The familiar Proverb is applicable: Prov. 16:25 There is a
way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

As we roll into summer, some will face disappointment in the job market, frustration with the
loss of relationships, and plans, like attending the IABC national conference, that will not work
out. As biblical counselors, how do we help these folks?

Well, you know many of the biblical techniques to employ. I want to add this one to your


Since Paul uses the imagery of Christians being soldiers in the Lord’s army, the following
occurred to me as I reviewed First Thessalians 5. Recently.
Paul’s RPG to Destroy Despondency:

--16 Rejoice always
--17 Pray continually
--18 Give thanks in all circumstances [including the unpleasant ones}. It is the will of God

Paul’s Self-Defense Training:

--19 Do not quench the Spirit
--20 Do not despise prophecies (preaching of the Word of God)
--21 Do not fail to test them all; hold on to the good
--22 Do not fail to reject every kind of evil

NOW—You think about that!
(Rev. Steve Brown)


Author: Dr. Howard Eyrich