The International Association of Biblical Counselors exists to serve the local church by training, equipping and resourcing believers to make disciples through biblical counseling.
BECOME A MEMBERDear Prospective Member,
Thank you for inquiring about membership with the International Association of Biblical Counselors. This page contains information about the membership process. Please read it carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
We are continually developing and growing our organization and we are open to your suggestions. A primary philosophical precept of IABC is that it is impossible to mix psychology with the Bible and remain true to God’s Word. We genuinely believe that the Bible provides all of the information necessary for the healing of the heart, soul, mind, and spirit of God’s children (2 Peter 1:3) as we allow the Holy Spirit to work.
If you believe that God is just as able to heal the wounded heart in our age as He was when Jesus walked this earth, you will find wonderful fellowship and encouragement in IABC. We hope you will stay in touch with us, visit our website at, and join with us for our IABC Annual Biblical Counseling Conference the first week in August.
I encourage you to fill out the membership application today and send it back right away so we can welcome you to our network of biblical counselors and biblical counseling ministries. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
From the IABC President,
Become a Member in 3 Steps
Affirm the IABC Philosophy of Ministry
IABC members and certified counselors are asked to affirm the IABC Statement of Faith, Statement of Practice, and Statement on Marriage, Human Sexuality, and Gender.
Complete the Application Form
Take a moment to answer the membership questions, including biblical references, and submit as part of your membership application.
Review and ConFirmation
IABC Member Services will send you an email to confirm your membership and mailing of your certificate.Â

"Counseling God's Way" is more than a catchy phrase. It's a commitment to take the Scriptures seriously and to help God's people apply His truth to their personal lives in practical ways.
Counseling God's Way is as different from psychological counseling as light is from the darkness. You see, genuine Biblical counseling doesn't merely sprinkle a few Bible verses here and there to make the counseling appear Bible-centered. In contrast to psychologically integrated systems, Biblical counseling seeks to carefully discover those areas in which a Christian may be disobedient to the principles and commands of Scripture and to help him learn how to lovingly submit to God's will.
Biblical counseling is based on the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of the Word of God. To safeguard against misguided and imbalanced practices of counseling that may be labeled “biblical,” some standards of practice need to be established. The following criteria are chosen as stimulants for excellence and, at the time, to be a means of providing some measure of trustworthiness for a general referral. Accordingly, IABC members and counselors are asked to affirm the following:

- I agree that the Scriptures are sufficient, through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, to address all of man’s needs regarding life and faith (2 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, my counseling methods, practices, and techniques will be based upon the clear biblical principles and not upon the theories of personality, model of man, psychotherapies, or philosophies derived from secular sources (1 Corinthians 3:19).

- We believe that the Bible was uniquely, verbally, and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written without error in the original manuscripts. We accept the Bible in its entirety, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, as the sufficient and final authority for guiding man to faith in God, and then to walk in victory. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 Corinthians 2:13, 10:11; John 19:35)
We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: a covenant union sanctioned by God which joins one biological man as documented at birth, and one biological woman as documented at birth, in a single, lifelong, exclusive “one flesh” covenantal union as delineated in Scripture(Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-9)

We believe God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complimentary genders together each reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
The following Affirmations and Denials are distinctive to the Biblical Counseling movement and are the foundation for the beliefs and practices of IABC members.
The purpose of the Affirmations and Denials is to honor Christ, strengthen the Church, and to promote God's Word as a vital force in the believer.
It is the prayer of those of us in IABC that the Affirmations and Denials will challenge you to become a partner with us in developing them into a tool for the equipping of saints.
GENERAL REVELATION is the truth about God revealed through creation.
SPECIAL REVELATION is the truth revealed through Holy Scripture (the Bible).
BIBLICAL COUNSELING is the Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-empowered, practical, and therapeutic application of biblical truths to a person's life through nurture, instruction, correction, and prayer, with the goal of personal maturity and fruitfulness.
The Authority of Scripture
The final and supreme AUTHORITY of the church and of every Christian is the Word of God. It is God's final Word in everything that relates to faith and practice.
The Sufficiency of Scripture
SUFFICIENCY is the inherent authority of Scripture, guaranteeing and providing in Christ all that man needs for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). As inerrancy speaks to the rule of faith, so sufficiency speaks to the rule of practice.
ARTICLE 1: Revelation
Article II: The Authority and Sufficiency of God's Word
Article III: The Nature of Biblical Counseling
Article IV: The Calling and Equipping of the Biblical Counselor

What is the Purpose of IABC?
IABC is Changing Lives
Biblical Counseling is one of the most powerful and fastest growing movements today. Its impact is being felt throughout the Church and in the lives of many individuals. As God's alternative to secular psychology, Biblical Counseling is an effective force in changing the lives of those who seek Him.
IABC is Biblically Based
IABC is a response to organizations and individuals who saw the need for basic standards, beliefs, and practices in counseling. IABC holds to the inerrancy of Scripture in faith and the sufficiency of God's Word in practice.
IABC Training and Support
IABC promotes Biblical Counseling through seminars, conferences and workshops, encourages the development of biblical research, and offers a counselor network for the exchange of information and client referral.

What is the Process with IABC?
Membership for those desiring to be part of IABC does not require certification as a biblical counselor. However, membership is a prerequisite for becoming a Certified Biblical Counselor with IABC. A member is not required to be active in a counseling ministry but is included in the activities and benefits of the Association. Such benefits include updates on the issues related to Biblical Counseling, opportunities for you to grow through upcoming conferences, the IABC Newsletter, resources and tools useful for ministry, and much more. By being a member of this organization you will be assisting us in equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.
IABC offers a rigorous, yet achievable program of certification for those members who meet the qualifications. Certification allows for counselors to meet a high standard of counseling excellence and biblical integrity, promotes a uniform approach to counseling and provides cohesion in the Biblical Counseling movement. A Certified Biblical Counselor is one who is a member in good standing and has completed all the requirements outlined in the certification manual. If you are considering certification, please include a request for the certification manual when you submit your application for membership. Upon the approval of your membership, you may begin the certification process.
Here's a preview of the Membership Questions that you'll need to answer on the online form. Take a moment to answer the following questions, including biblical references, as these will be submitted as part of your membership application. It is best practice to write your answers on a separate file (or paper) to avoid data loss.
- Please describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Please give your personal definition of Biblical Counseling.
- Please explain your own philosophy of the sufficiency of Scripture.
- Briefly explain your understanding of the nature and condition of man.
- In your view, what role, if any, do psychology and the social sciences have in Biblical Counseling?
- Please give your view of the role of the Holy Spirit in the counseling process.
STEP 1: AFFIRM the IABC Philosophy of Ministry
IABC members and certified counselors are asked to affirm the IABC Statement of Faith, Statement of Practice, and Statement on Marriage, Human Sexuality, and Gender.
Become a Member
STEP 2: If you have come this far, you can proceed in completing the application form below.
STEP 3: Review and Confirmation
IABC Member Services will send you an email to confirm your membership and mailing of your certificate.